Education loan can help you to pay for your tuition fees and other educational expenses. With Winz Credit, you are able to get the best education loan. We are a licensed moneylender that provides competitive rates and flexible terms so you can invest in your future without worrying about debt. With our expertise in education loan products, you can rest assured that you are getting the best deal with Winz Credit.

How we help

Winz Credit provides education loan in Singapore to help customers finance their educational aspirations.

Fast and easy application process
Low interest rates and flexible repayment options
Quick approval time and access to funds in as little as 1 hour.
Dedicated customer service team available to answer any questions about the loan process


Students assisted


unsecured loans disbursed

Enquire today

If you’re looking to invest in your future and take the first step towards achieving your educational goals, then getting an education loan in Singapore with us today is the right choice. 

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